Demolition Derby 2025

Brad Holmberg 0458 024 633
Paul Osmond 0488 950 450

Saturday, March 1st, 2025 from 6.30pm
Registration: Entry is online at Showday Online.

Prize Money: 1st $1,500 2nd $1,000 3rd $500

– All exhibits must fill in an online waver by selecting the Waiver Class in the Demolition Derby Section

If any one needs help with building cars or picking up cars please don’t hesitate to ring or message Paul on 0488950450


  1. The demarcation (fencing) between the demolition derby ring and the showground boundary (spectators) to be a minimum distance of 20 metres.
  2. Provide the insurer with details of the kind of safety fencing in place to protect the public.
  3. Confirmation the performance area is flat ie no jumps or risers permitted.
  4. All drivers must be 17 years or over and hold a current drivers licence – P Plate minimum.
  5. All drivers enter at their own risk and must read, understand and sign the appropriate Show Waiver form. This is to be signed before the commencement of the race and witnessed by a member of the Show Committee. Drivers should present themselves to the Show office at least [Show to insert] hours to sign the documentation and get any updates about the event.
  6. Cars will be scrutinised on the day of the event. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations of the event may result in disqualification.


  1. All cars must be average size station wagons and utes permitted however panelvans not permitted
  2. The vehicle must be retained at its original height, ie no alteration to the suspension.
  3. Scrutineers have the authority to inspect all competing vehicles and enforce rules and regulations.
  4. No driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be allowed to compete. Random Drug and alcohol testing may occur prior to commencement of the event.
  5. No passengers will be permitted to travel in the vehicle.
  6. No internal or external reinforcement or bar work allowed with the exception of a pillar bar. This should be either:
    • A vertical steel bar be fastened to the floor and roof by bolts in the centre of the car or behind the driver’s seat in such a way as to allow the driver’s headrest to be fitted.


    • Side to side pillar bar (minimum 10ml thick steel) OR
    • A-frame top to bottom pillar bar (minimum 10ml thick steel).
  1. Bracing of the driver’s door mandatory. Either:
    • A minimum of a single brace across the driver’s door. Must extend past the A and B pillar by 200ml. OR
    • Reinforced skin on the driver’s door


    • Open door, weld across A – B pillar. Fully welded both sides. 300-400 ml apart. Mark inside skin of door. Door closes. Doors are fully welded.
  1. Driver’s door can also be filled with sand (NO concrete).
  2. All glass and plastic must be removed from the vehicle including glove box lid and airbags removed. Dashboard (dashboard plastic) should remain in place as well as an interior rear-vision mirror are permitted.
  3. All doors and boot must be chained or welded no thin strapping
  4. All drivers must wear crash helmets, full cotton overalls and steel capped footwear. Gloves are optional.
  5. All drivers are to wear a seat belt. Seat belts must be in good condition. The vehicle must not contain rust in either the seat or seat belt mountings. Seat belts 5 point racing harness are permitted.
  6. An approved boat fuel tank or Gerry can with breather must be fastened in the centre rear in a cradle, where the back seat was. If the tank is located just in front of the rear axle, then the factory tank can be used.
  7. A maximum of ten (10) litres of petrol in the fuel tank is permitted.
  8. The vehicle’s petrol tank must be removed or punctured with a minimum ½” hole. Should the factory tank be located in front of the rear axle then it can be used but only in accordance with all other rules captured herein.
  9. The original specification fuel line must be used or alternatively maintain original fuel line route as close as possible to fuel cell. The object of this rule is to use as much of the original fuel line as possible. Any adaptions made should use original specification grade fuel lines and clamps and grommets when it passes through the body. Rubber grommets should be used.
  10. Tow bar and tongue must be removed.
  11. Bonnet must be chained only no threaded rod to be used or bonnet pins. Boot can be welded
  12. Mud guards and wheel arches must not be cut away or bent. Subject to scrutineer’s approval.
  13. All cars to have standard tyres no rally tires.
  14. The battery must have a rubber cover securely bolted over the top. It may be fitted to the cabin area and cable must have grommets where it passes through the firewall.
  15. The radiator should be in its original position but the fan blades may be removed (optional rule at Show’s discretion).
  16. Vehicles are NOT required to be fitted with a muffler (optional rule at Show’s discretion).
  17. The driver’s name must be displayed on the right hand side of the roof (150mm) (optional rule at Show’s discretion)
  18. Drivers door must be white with red cross (Compulsory) no red cross no entry
  19. Each vehicle is to be numbered. The number is to be displayed only on the roof, bonnet or doors. Numbers will be allocated to cars at the time of receipt of nomination (optional rule at Show’s discretion)
  20. No Tek screws are to be used in any part of the vehicle.
  21. Brittle metal, such as grader blades, must not be used.
  22. Steel mesh must be welded on the driver’s half windscreen. No mesh to be welded on the driver’s side window.


  1. An area will be marked on the Arena to show the boundary. Any vehicles driving over the boundary may be eliminated (Scrutineer’s/Judges decision).
  2. Any vehicle deliberately ramming the driver’s side door of another vehicle will be disqualified.
  3. If a vehicle stops, a maximum of two minutes will be permitted to restart the vehicle. If the vehicle does not restart within this time, the vehicle will be eliminated (optional rule at Show’s discretion).
  4. Each driver shall have a white flag (30cm x 30cm) attached to a piece of dowel. A surrender flag is to be attached above the driver’s door and be accessible to the driver. When a driver wishes to surrender, they should snap the flag off. Driver’s doing this cannot re-enter the event.
  5. Drivers to supply their own red n white flags. they must be minimum of 30x30cm on piece of dowl. (Red flag must be in car in cas of emergency will go through this at drivers briefing)
  6. All drivers must remain in their vehicle until the event is completed or as otherwise instructed by relevant safety crews.
  7. The winner of the competition will be the last vehicle still being driven.
  8. The Judge reserves the right to disqualify any driver at any time.
  9. The Judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.


45. All cars must be trucked into and out of the Showground. All vehicles      must be removed from the Showground following the completion of the event unless otherwise arranged with the Show Committee. Failure to do so may result in a fine.

46. At the completion of the event a full sweep of the performance area needs to be done to clear any debris.