Merino Sheep 2024

Chief Steward: Dakini Hall – 0477 002 833

Entry Fee $5.00Entry is online at (Show Day Online)

Judging will start 9am Saturday 2nd March 2024Prize Ribbons 1st 2nd 3rd


Entries close on the 1st March 2024

All exhibits must remain on the ground until 4pm on the day of the Show

– All exhibits must fill in a online waver by selecting the Waiver Class in the Merino Section

– National Sheep Health Dec NLIS Mob Movement Forms need to be produced on the day of judging

All sheep must come from Ovine Brucellosis Accredited Free Flocks.  All entries must be supported by a current Owner/Vendor Declaration of Footrot Freedom and Ovine Johnes Disease Freedom.

All Merino sheep must be from a registered flock and carry a Merino Sheep Breeders AUGUST inspection tag. This does not apply to unhoused section.  All Merino sheep must be owned and bred by exhibitor.

All exhibits must remain on the ground until 4pm on the day of the Show.

All sheep will be inspected by veterinary officers, and in the event of any sheep being found to have parasites or disease, or being in any way objectionable, the exhibitor will be required to return all his exhibits to the holding of origin immediately.

First, second and third ribbons in all classes.

Exhibitors shall be responsible for correct classification as Medium or Strong, and if in doubt must consult stewards before judging commences.

Judges have the right to discount sheep wrongly classified.

Champion Junior Ram, special class, not necessarily eligible for Open Championships. Winners of all two (2) tooth classes are eligible for Junior Champion Ram or Ewe, as appropriate.

All Poll Merinos must conform to the definitions of a Poll Merino as laid down by the Poll Merino Breeders Association of Australia.

No trophy will be awarded if there are less than two entries.

All sheep in Unhoused section are NOT to be gone over with shears, other than wigging and crutching.

Unhoused sheep will be classified as such at the discretion of the stewards.

Feed and water tins to be provided by the exhibitor.


Supreme Merino Exhibit:   Ribbon plus Jane Graham Memorial Perpetual Trophy donated by the Graham Family  plus, semen collection donation by Apiam Genetic Services.

Supreme Champion Ram:  Ribbon plus “Barratta Station” Perpetual trophy plus $250 donated Dighton’s Auto.

Junior Champion Ram: (2 tooth- August shorn) Ribbon plus John Rourke Centenary Perpetual Trophy.

Breeders Pair of Merinos: Edgar B Cable Memorial Perpetual Trophy awarded to Breeders Group of (1) Ram and (1) Ewe that has been bred by the exhibitors Ribbons awarded also to Champion and Reserve breeders’ pair. plus, product prize donated by Watters Clothing.

Merino Sheep Waiver Form

Class 3007 WAIVER-by ticking this box you have read & agree to all of the below waiver





Section A – Supplier’s statements about risk and duty of care

Agricultural Societies Council of New South Wales Limited and this Agricultural Show (together the Suppliers) advise as set out below. The handling of animals is a dangerous recreational activity as animals can act in a sudden and unpredictable way, especially when frightened or hurt.

Participation (including passive participation) in animal handling and/or physical competitions and/or Events at an agricultural show and/or use of the Suppliers’ facilities contain elements of risk, both obvious and inherent.

Physical competitions and activities, Events and use of the Suppliers’ facilities are all dangerous recreational activities. This document is a risk warning for the purpose of section 5M of the Civil Liability Act NSW 2002. This risk warning is given by or on behalf of the Suppliers.

This document acts as an exclusion of liability under Part 1A Division 5 of the Civil Liability Act NSW 2002 if the services supplied by the Suppliers are supplied without reasonable care and skill.

The Participant, also known as the Entrant/Exhibitor/Competitor/Handler/Owner/ will be referred to as Participant for the purposes of this document. Only the Participant is covered by this online waiver form.

Section B – Participant’s acknowledgements

These Participant’s acknowledgements relate to the Entrant/Exhibitor/Competitor/Handler/Owner/ afore mentioned in the online entry details.

By signing this document, I, the Participant/Entrant/Exhibitor/Competitor/Handler/Owner/Participant (this person will now be referred to as “I” in the remainder of this document) acknowledge that:

  1. Participation in the Event and/or use of the Suppliers’ facilities is a recreational service for the purposes of section 139A of the Australian Competition and Consumer Act (Cth) 2010 and a recreational activity for the purposes of section 5K of the Civil Liability Act (NSW) 2002.
  2. I participate in the Event and/or use of the Suppliers’ facilities at my own risk.
  3. Participation in the Event and/or use of the Suppliers’ facilities is a hazardous activity and involves a significant risk of physical harm and may result in injury, loss, damage or death to me and others.
  4. Participation in the Event and/or use of the Suppliers’ facilities requires certain skills and experience. I declare that I have sufficient skills and experience to be able to safely and properly participate in the Event and/or use the Suppliers’ facilities.
  5. Animals can act in sudden and unpredictable ways, especially if frightened or hurt, or if exposed to loud or unfamiliar noises.
  6. The Event will be held in close proximity to rides and large groups of people and there may be loud and unfamiliar noises which can frighten animals used in the Event.
  7. If the Event is held outdoors, there are risks to me as a result of the weather conditions, including either extreme hot or cold weather, rain or wind.
  8. Insects or other animals may cause animals used in the Event to become frightened and act in an unpredictable way.
  9. In handling animals, there is a risk of suffering injury including injuries caused by the animals.
  10. I am responsible for ensuring that I have and will wear equipment suitable for my safety in my participation of the Event and/or in using the Suppliers’ facilities.
  11. I am responsible for the condition of any tools and equipment and ensuring that they are appropriate for the Event and/or in using the Suppliers’ facilities.
  12. I use the Suppliers’ facilities, including for the Event entirely at my own risk, as I find them and with the prior acceptance of the risk of possible danger to me, both obvious and inherent.
  13. At the time of participating in the Event and/or in using the Suppliers’ facilities, I will not to any degree be under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs.
  14. I will not consume any alcohol or illicit drugs while participating in the Event and/or in using the Suppliers’ facilities and agree that such use may result in my being excluded from the Event and/or from using the Suppliers’ facilities with no entitlement to any refund of money paid to the Suppliers for entry.
  15. I agree to be bound by the rules and guidelines of the Suppliers as varied from time to time.

Section C – Participant’s acceptance of risk & no duty of care & waiver of rights

  1. I acknowledge and agree that my participation in the Event and any associated activities and/or my use of the Supplier’s facilities is dangerous and may have obvious and/or inherent risks as a result of which personal injury (and sometimes death) may occur.
  2. I acknowledge that my participation in the Event and any associated activities and/or my use of the Supplier’s facilities carry with them a significant risk of physical harm.
  3. I accept and assume all risks of personal injury or death in anyway whatsoever arising from my participation in the Event and any associated activities and/or my use of the Supplier’s facilities.
  4. I waive my individual right to sue the Suppliers for all claims I may have for such personal injury or death against the Suppliers in any way whatsoever arising from or in connection with my participation in the Event and any associated activities and/or my use of the Supplier’s facilities.
  5. If I suffer personal injury or death while participating in the Event and/or from my use of the Supplier’s facilities, I will not hold the Suppliers, their employees or agents legally responsible for any personal injury or death I suffer.
  6. I will not sue the Suppliers, their employees or agents for any claims, actions, costs, damages or liability.
  7. I release the Suppliers and their employees from legal responsibility for the services I have been provided and/or activity I have participated in, including the Event.

Section D – Signature by agreeing to entry Terms and Conditions

Where the participant is 18 years of age or over:

I agree that I have read and understood this waiver prior to signing the terms and conditions of this entry.

I acknowledge that the Suppliers have permitted me to participate in the activity the subject of this document in reliance on the matters acknowledged by me and the representations I have made in this document.

I agree that this waiver is governed in all respects by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of New South Wales.

By ticking the acknowledgement box at the bottom of this page the Participant agrees to the terms and conditions of this entry, I declare that everything in this document is binding on the Participant and their heirs, next of kin, executors and administrators.

Where participant is UNDER 18 years of age (to be electronically signed by a parent or guardian):

I agree to being a parent or legal guardian of the participant who has entered this competition, hereby consent to my child using the Suppliers’ facilities and/or participating in the Event.

I confirm that I have read and understood and explained to the participant this waiver prior to signing the terms and conditions of this entry.

I acknowledge that the Suppliers have permitted the participant to participate in the activity the subject of this document in reliance on the matters acknowledged by me and the representations that I have made in this document. I agree that this waiver is governed in all respects by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of New South


By ticking the acknowledgement box at the bottom of this page the Participant agrees to the terms and conditions of this entry, I declare, on behalf of the Participant, that everything in this document is binding on the Participant and their heirs, next of kin, executors and administrators.

By ticking the box which agrees to Entry Terms and Conditions, it is acknowledged that the Participant (Entrant/Exhibitor/Competitor/Handler/Owner) afore mentioned in the online entry details accept the Waiver and other conditions, and this serves as an electronic signature.

Electronic Waiver Form: July 2023


Class 1401 Ram Lambs-best pair of unshorn lambs

Class 1402 Ram Lambs-best pair of short wool lambs

Elders Pair of Rams Lambs – $500

Strong Wool-Rams Housed

Class 1405 Merino Ram,2 teeth, August Shorn

Class 1406 Merino Ram,4 teeth, August Shorn

Champion Strong Wool Ram (Ribbon & Prize)

Reserve Champion Strong Wool Ram (Ribbon & Prize) – $50

Ewes Strong Wool Housed

Class 1411 Merino Ewe,2 teeth, August Shorn

Class 1412 Merino Ewe,4 teeth, August Shorn

Champion Strong Wool Ewe (Ribbon & Prize)

Reserve Champion Strong Wool Ewe (Ribbon & Prize) – $50

Grand Champion Strong Wool Housed Ram (Ribbon & Prize) – $100

Grand Champion Wool Housed Ewe (Ribbon & Prize) – $100

Dual Purpose Merino Ram (Bred for meat & Wool) any Shearing

Class 1415 Merino Ram -2 teeth or less

Class 1416 Merino Ram -4 teeth

Class 1417 Merino Ram -6 teeth

Unhoused Merino sheep (any Shearing)

Class 1421 Rams: Medium Wool Unhoused

Class 1422 Merino Ram Lambs, milk teeth (Eligible to enter Elders pair of Ram Lambs

Class 1423 Merino Ram – 2 teeth

Class 1424 Merino Ram – 4 teeth

Class 1425 Merino Ram -6 teeth

Champion Medium Wool Unhoused Ram (Ribbon & Prize

Reserve Champion Medium Wool Unhoused Ram (Ribbon & Prize M

Rams Strong Wool Unhoused

Class 1431 Merino Ram Lamb, milk teeth Eligible to enter elders pair ram Lambs

Class 1432 Merino Ram -2 teeth

Class 1433 Merino Ram -4 teeth

Class 1434 Merino Ram -6 teeth

Champion Strong Wool Unhoused Ram

Reserve Champion Strong Wool Unhoused Ram  – $50

Grand Champion Unhoused Ram- (Ribbon & Prize) – $100

Ewes: Medium Wool Unhoused

Class 1441 Medium wool Unhoused Ewe -2 teeth or less

Class 1442 Medium Wool unhoused Ewe -4 teeth

Class 1443 Medium Wool unhoused ewe -6 teeth or more

Champion Medium Wool, Unhoused Ewe (Ribbon & Prize)

Reserve Champion Medium Wool, Unhoused Ewe (Ribbon & Prize)  – $50

Ewes: strong wool unhoused

Class 1451 Strong wool unhoused ewe -2 teeth or less

Class 1452 Strong wool unhoused ewe – 4 teeth

Class 1453 Strong wool unhoused ewe -6 teeth or more

Champion Strong wool, unhoused ewe  – $100

Reserve Champion Strong wool, unhoused ewe  – $50

Grand Champion unhoused ewe (Ribbon & Prize) – $100

Supreme Champion Exhibit – $500

Ribbon plus Jane Graham Memorial Perpetual Trophy donated by the Graham Family  plus, semen collection donation by Apiam Genetic Services.

Jane Graham Memorial Perpetual Trophy donated by the Graham

Semen collection donation by Apiam Genetic Services.

Supreme Champion Ram:  Ribbon – $250

“Barratta Station” Perpetual trophy

Supreme Champion Merino Ram:  Ribbon plus “Barratta Station” Perpetual trophy plus $250 donated Dighton’s Auto

Dighton’s Auto $250

Junior Champion Ram: (2 tooth- August shorn) Ribbon plus  – $100

John Rourke Centenary Perpetual Trophy.

Junior Champion Merion Ram: (2 tooth- August shorn) Ribbon plus John Rourke Centenary Perpetual Trophy.

Breeders Pair of Merinos. Edgar B Cable Memorial Perpetual T – $100

Breeders Pair of Merinos. Edgar B Cable Memorial Perpetual Trophy awarded to Breeders Group of (1) Ram and (1) Ewe that has been bred by the exhibitors Ribbons awarded also to Champion and Reserve breeders’ pair. plus, product prize donated by Watters Clothing.

Ribbons awarded also to

Champion and Reserve Champion breeders’ pair

Reserve Champion breeders’ pair

Watters Clothing product prize